Our Services

High Level of Personalized Service

Many people, believe that their financial well-being is linked solely to their ability to earn a high income. True financial independence, however, has much more to do with understanding and taking advantage of the finances you have.  It's more about setting financial goals and learning to use financial strategies that will help you meet your objectives.

We are dedicated to helping you plan for financial security. Whether your goals involve building wealth through investing, funding a child's college education, planning for a comfortable retirement, or protecting your estate, I can help you develop a roadmap to reach your goals and make wise decisions to help improve your financial situation. 

An Integrated Financial Picture

By considering your entire financial picture, an integrated plan is developed to help you achieve appropriate balance between often-times competing goals. We provide services for:

Individuals and families

  • Retirement planning
  • Education funding
  • Elder and long-term care planning
  • Budgeting/cash flow analysis
  • Insurance needs assessment
  • Asset management

Small businesses

  • Qualified retirement plan analysis and implementation
  • Retirement plan advice
  • Risk management
  • Business continuation and succession planning